Didaktisch gute Lernkonzepte

Make change perceptible

Lecture in Billerbeck
Viwis eLearning Forum


Target group

Managing directors
Project leader
HR Development

Promote change through correct communication

Lecture at the Viwis eLearning Forum on November 8th, 2012 in Billerbeck.

The content

When we tackle change in the company, many only report on the success of a change. Few or none report the pain and strain of transition.

Without the willingness to take steps to change, there is no success. Success is present when people have dared to change something. If you try something new, but only if you CAN & WANT.

Change is always a path into instability, into uncertainty – paired with the courage to build something new and better. This is the only way to systematically switch back to stability, with new process patterns and new values.

Values build and form the foundation

How do we know whether people are ready? We have established that based on values that drive us. Values usually tell us the direction in which we want to move, and values form our foundation. Fulfilled values make us happy, unfulfilled values make us unhappy and unsuccessful.

So, which employee values do I have to address to properly communicate the change? Then what is the correct communication? And how can employees not only experience it, but also live it?

The structure in the training to experience change too

So that we could work in a structured and goal-oriented manner, I brought a new structure with me that made values understandable. And I also brought inspirations.
The structure was built up so that we could mentally move from pin board to pin board and fill every change with new values. At the end we were able to feel the change and make change perceptible.

We touched on different perspectives, such as strategy, leadership style, and value systems, in order to be able to address so many important aspects.

We „sold“ each other the product „eLearning“, like in real life, or something else with different values behind it. As individual representatives of the respective levels, we were anxious to make the „sales measure“ tangible and, of course, to close the deal.

There was lots of fun and energy – thank you very much for your great cooperation!

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